Meet the Maker Behind Fosters Fields
My name is Carrie and I am the owner/operator/formulator/maker here at Fosters Fields. My love for Soap and Candle making started in 2010 while I was pregnant with my second daughter. It all started on a whim. My husband would talk about me making my own candles to save money since I burned so many of them! At that time in my life I was making many changes within my home and life to more natural and safe alternatives. I began using essential oils and discarded my toxic cleaning products. I could find natural alternatives instead or better yet...make them myself as I have learned over the years. With this always in mind, I started the research on natural waxes to burn within my home. At that time I quite frankly surprised myself at my lack of knowledge on some of these products and the dangers I was bringing into my home on a regular basis.
Fast forward a little and soy wax was ordered and arrived from my favorite supplier, which I have continued to purchase from over the years. The owner back then was amazing and even the new management is wonderful. I never realized how much I would enjoy making these and began a collection that wasn't able to be burned being I was only one person in one house who did so. Shortly after the birth of that middle child I started making my way to a few craft shows for fun. I loved them and also loved meeting the customers as well as the other vendors and so Fosters Fields became a local candle company.
After getting a taste for making my own things, I realized I wanted to make more products for my lineup. Through the years I had used handmade soap from various companies and loved these bars and what they did for my skin. Once the idea was in place, I began to attempt soap making. The research was much more in depth as this was something that my customers would use on their skin, and I wanted it to be a lot of things but most importantly safe. Myself and my now 3 children all have sensitive skin, I have struggled for years and have used so many popular store-bought skin care products that failed to do the job they were advertised for. The thought of making my own recipe and controlling everything in it was very appealing. And so it began, a lot of time, reading and trial soap recipes later I launched Cold Process Soap to my line. Since then I had all these beautiful oils and butters it made sense to venture into Lotion, Balms and all the other things you see within my website to date!
Through the years of building Fosters Fields, I worked full time at a doctors office which didn't leave much time for my new found hobby. Realizing I wanted to take the step from hobby to business I quit that job for a part time job. Oddly enough I am still working in health care but now the environment revolves around natural healing and is part time so this works because now I have some spare time to grow my business while still making a little money to buy my supplies.
In the process of growing my Soap and Candle business I have never forgotten the reason I continue on this venture of creating handmade items. My passion for changing the way we see the world and what it has to offer in nature and preserving the environment is important to me. This is the reason why I have been making the switch to non plastics within my home and business because Fosters Fields natural products belong in top quality earth friendly packaging. Choosing the ingredients for my products to suit the needs of those interested in natural products has great rewards. Clean and safe products that my customers can rely on is very important. And last and likely most important is all my supporters. I have the utmost appreciation for each and every customers no matter if they have purchased once or multiple times from Fosters Fields. Without your support my business would not continue to thrive, and I would not be able make the products you all love and enjoy!
From my home to yours, Soaps, Skin Care and Soy Candles made with love!
1 comment
Carries soaps and lotions are my go to products.They leave my skin feelin g amazing.The scents she uses are soft unlike many of the stotr bought products.